Season 1 | Episode 7: Everyone has a secret

Anna Pihl

Drama/Crime, Denmark 2006

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Kim arrests Anna's brother, Mads, for drink-driving, but leaves the case to Anna, who chooses to give him his licence back without writing the case. Meanwhile, Anna finds out that Mads has been fired from his job and that he has an addiction to alcohol and pills, and suddenly he is drink-driving again - this time he hits a cyclist, who dies. Meanwhile, Mikala has been drawn into a nasty case. Stavro, who gave her the gun again, wants her to provide information to his criminal network in return for help, and Mikala has no choice but to do as he says. Meanwhile, Anna's landlord, Jan, who is gay, is trying to have a baby with a lesbian mother, but he finds out that it's not quite as easy as he thought.
44 min
FSK 16
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Adam Price


Rasmus Thorsen


Charlotte Munck (Anna Pihl)

Iben Hjejle (Mikala Hansen)

Peter Mygind (Jan Bøttger)

Paw Henriksen (Kim Blomberg)

Henrik Birch (Ole)

Kurt Ravn (Henning Pihl)

Tammi Øst (Eva Fabricius)

William Hagedorn-Rasmussen (Mikkel Pihl)

Original language:



16:9 SD, Color

Age rating:

FSK 16 (Violence)

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