Miniseries | Episode 6: Love Has Its Price

Berlin Alexanderplatz

Book adaptation/Drama, Germany 1980

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Reinhold is desperate to get rid of his current woman, Trude, but Franz won’t take her and wants to stick with Cilly. Franz gets sucked into Pums’s gang when he is drafted for a job as a last-minute replacement for Bruno, who gets beaten in the street. Franz ends up as a lookout as Pums, Reinhold, and Meck pull a robbery. In the getaway truck, Reinhold becomes suspicious of Franz because of a car that seems to be following them. Reinhold throws Franz out of the back of the truck.
59 min
FSK 12
Audio language:

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Alfred Döblin (Novel)


Peer Raben


Günter Lamprecht (Franz Biberkopf)

Franz Buchrieser (Gottfried Meck)

Ivan Desny (Pums)

Annemarie Düringer (Cilly)

Irm Hermann (Trude)

Claus Holm (Landlord)

Gottfried John (Reinhold Hoffmann)

Günther Kaufmann (Theo)

Volker Spengler (Bruno)

Original title:

Berlin Alexanderplatz

Original language:



16:9 SD, Color

Age rating:

FSK 12

Audio language:
